Esbjerg Stadium


Around 1950 Esbjerg Motor Sport moved their speedway meetings to the Athletic Stadium in Esbjerg because the facilities for the fans were better than at Korskro speedway track

June 5.1951: Meeting. 

The meeting opened with two attempts for the track record, both successfully. The Swede Evert “Kumla” Fransson’s record on 1,19,5 got lowered first by Aage Andersen’s time 1,19,1 and finally Orla Knudsen rode in 1,17,0 and became record holder.


EMS00A cover from one of the earlier programmes
(not the first) from Esbjerg Stadium.
Sunday June 5.1951.

The list of riders.

Results: Expert 500 cc:

1. Orla Knudsen                              Copenhagen    19 point.
2. Kiehn Berthelsen                        Copenhagen    12 point.
3. Aage Andersen                            Copenhagen    10 point.
4. Erhardt Fisker                              Copenhagen      5 point.
5. Uno Jensen                                  Copenhagen      4 point.

Special 500 cc.
1. Jeppe Ussing                                Boerkop           12 point.
2. Borge Breinsborg                        Esbjerg               7 point.
3. Th. Rasmussen                            Aarhus                2 point.
4. Kurt Lauridsen                            Esbjerg                0 point.

Standard Sport 500 cc:
1. Borge Morch                               Kolding               9 point.
2. Knud Nielsen                               Aarhus               6 point.
3. Aage Iversen                               Sonderborg        5 point.
4. Borge Petersen                           Aarhus                3 point.

Lightweight 175 cc:
1. Henrik Wozny                              Odense            14 point.
2. Sonny Beyer                                Odense             11 point.
3. Svend Nielsen                             Odense               8 point.
4. Kiehn Berthelsen                        Copenhagen      7 point.
5. Erhardt Fisker                            Copenhagen        4 point.

1955 was a busy year at Esbjerg Stadium with meetings on April 24th, May 22nd and August 14th

24. April 1955:
The weather was not with Esbjerg in the days before the meeting, and definitely not on the day either.
So the track was wet and heavy, but nevertheless the meeting got absolved.

1. Hans Jäger, Germany.
2. Aksel Müller, Skanderborg
Senior Standard:
1. Arne Svendsen, Silkeborg
2. Knud Nielsen, Aarhus
Handicap Standard:
1. Borge Morch, Kolding
2. Soren Juul, Viborg
Handicap special:
1. Svend Hoj, Karup
2. Jorgen Berlin, Odense

September 11.1960. Danish Championship Final:

Esbjerg 110960
500 cc senior.
1: Kurt W Pedersen, 15 point.
2: H. P. Boisen,         14 point.
3: Svend Nissen.
4: Jens Ring.

5. juni 1966. Danish Championship Final 500 cc.


1. Godtfred Andreasen                  Horsens
2. Kurt Bogh                                    Holsted
3. Poul Wissing                                Vejle
4. Borge Christiansen                    Slangerup
5. Ole Olsen                                    Haderslev
6. Ole Thygesen Dahm                  Sønderborg


Godtfred Andreasen

The Danish team tournaments began after a break again in 1967, and the years final was ridden at the Stadium, where the home team – The Vikings -won the first Team Championship.
At the samme meeting the Danish Junior Championship was staged.
Bent Norregaard Jensen won the first individual title for Esbjerg Motor Sport

Bent Nørregaard

Bent Norregaard Jensen in the
Hammers’ race jacket.

Bent Norregaard Jensen and Kristian Praestbro were those day’s hot names in EMS , and the club’s riders rode successfully all over Europe.

September 15. 1968 Danish Championship Final.


From early morning the rain poured heavily down and a cancellation was imminent. Anyhow a gigantic effort with pumps, shovels and anything able to soak water solved most of the problems. A weather improvement and a fresh wind along the track helped enough to allow the meeting to begin, and by and by the track got still better.

1.  Ole Olsen                                     Haderslev      15 point.
2.  Bent Norregaard Jensen            Esbjerg           14 point.
3.  Kurt Boegh                                  Holsted           11 point.
4.  Preben Moller Christensen       Odense           11 point.


Godtfred Andreasen passing Erik Groen and
and Jorn Mogensen outside in heat 17.

Ole Olsen on the podium between
Bent N. Jensen and Kurt Boegh.

After re-building of the Korskro finished in 1969 the speedway meetings returned to there.

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you kindly would make available for this website, Please do so by proceeding
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Thank you very much in advance.