Address: Solbjerg, Mors
Length: 330 m.
Surface: earth
Åbnet: 30. juni 1957
Lukket: ?
Mors is the largest island located in the western end of the Limfjord.
On an extra ordinary general assembly in Mors Motor Club in the fall of 1955 the majority of delegates decided to lease an area, well suited for establishing a moto cross trail and an earth track, from a farmer in Solbjerg.
Anyway nothing happened before the fall of 1956, when the construction work was handed over to a builder in Nykobing Mors.
The opening meeting revealed however, that the track was too soft and quickly got rutted.
Whether it was this fact, or the moto cross rider Mogens Rasmussen’s skill as motor cyclist, is not known, but it was sensational, that he in his first track race won the 500 cc. class.
Senior 500 cc.
1. Mogens Rasmussen, Naestved
2. Mogens Kjaer Hansen, Randers.
Special 500 cc.
1. Mogens Jensen, Holstebro
Junior A 500 cc.
1. Thorvald Obro, Aalborg
Junior B 500 cc
1. Gunnar Andersen, Randers
Junior B lightweight
1. Borge O. Jensen, Mors
1. Carl Andersen, Aarhus/Ove Petersen, Randers.
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